About this blog

For years I have wanted to start a blog. I imagined it a place where I could reflect on the things that I am passionate about professionally: teaching, learning, education and mathematics. I never started it fearing that my already busy life would leave little time to keep it going with regular entries.

The fears of being unable to keep up with a blog have subsided though my entries are not as frequent as I would like. Still to write something is better than to not write anything and with this in mind I continue.

As a student of education I was taught and often reminded about the fact that every experience, every moment is an opportunity to learn. It is in this spirit that I am now (finally) starting this blog. I expect, especially now that many entries will focus on the lessons I am learning each day. I hope that they build in me and in my readers a culture of reflection, learning and growth.

Thank-you so much for reading.